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We now offer sex and  relationship therapy at a reduced rate too! Very limited space (tuesday evenings only!) drop us an email if you are interested. 

We understand that some of our clients are looking for long-term, consistent therapy, but cannot afford to pay full fees. At HumanKind, we want to be able to support every clients needs where possible, and one of the ways of doing this is through offering some types of therapy through our Low Cost Clinic.


How does it work and who will I see? 


HumanKind supports psychotherapists in training as well as recently qualified psychotherapists to build their practice and expertise. In return they offer consistent psychotherapy at a reduced rate (from £30 per session depending on income and funds). 


The low cost clinic payments enable these therapists to gain an income from sessions, with just a small amount being used to cover costs associated with providing this service - such as clinical supervision, room hire, CPD and insurance. 


I am interested, what's next? 


We ask interested clients to please email us to tell us briefly what brought them to us and what they would like to explore in therapy. We will then arrange an initial assessment or consultation to explore what they want from the work. Therapy can be offered face to face and through online sessions.


At the start of the sessions a time, day and session fee with be agreed between the client and therapist which is documented in a contract which each client will need to fill out and sign before starting sessions. Clients then decide with their therapist how the session fee is settled (monthly, weekly, by transfer or cash). Clients will receive an invoice in advance of the month ahead regardless of the payment arrangement agreed.



Our therapist work both online and face to face. For face to face sessions we are based in Peckham, a few minutes from the station. 

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